Quan enables teams to build a safe space to address well-being. This empowers your team to improve its way of working, enhancing team levels of productivity and performance.
Our mission is to teach you how to place well-being at the heart of success at work. This entails learning how to break the cycle of employee burn-out as a necessary price of growth.
As soon as at least 2 people complete the well-being assessment (read here about when your team's results are available), aggregated team results will be available on the platform, allowing you and your team to:
Recognize their well-being Strengths and Growth Opportunities.
Note: There are over 40 areas of well-being that Quan analyzes. We present you with top 3 Strengths and top 3 Growth Opportunities so you can focus on the areas where you can make the biggest impact and from which areas of strength you can draw to support your journey. Read more more about the Quan Well-being Framework here.
Take immediate action with science-based next steps offered by Quan for improving your team’s well-being. These include exercises and quick actions tailored to your team's results, specifically matched to the areas of well-being that most need your team’s attention.
Have more meaningful conversations about the team’s well-being based on relevant structured and dynamic data. As a manager, you will feel more comfortable having these well-being conversations with this data at hand. It will also save you time, as you will no longer need to collect or rely on (only) anecdotal evidence. You will know each quarter if your team needs help with stress levels, with recovery, with creativity… and you will be able to find the necessary help where needed. Check the Flow of the Team Well-being Retro here.